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Pink Peonies  
Named Double Pink--3/5 Eye Divisions @$5.75 each (unless listed otherwise)

 Pink Peonies.....FALL 2025

Pink Varieties

Unnamed double pink 3/5 eye divisions $5.50...5/8 eye $8.25

Named varieties will also be available in 3/5 eye divisions @ 5.75-10.50 and  5/8 eye @ $8.75-15.75

Choices will be limited after Oct 1st, as we begin dividing for our fields.

The MINIMUM ORDER is  50 ROOTS TOTAL.....25 DIVISIONS PER VARIETY, regardless of size.

Any order with less than the minimum amounts,  will be charged  retail cost.. $10 per division above what is listed..(plus sales tax, estimated shipping, and must be prepaid)....

Swedish Touch Peonies, 2972 Swedish Rd., Hamburg, Ia. 51640 ,  712-382-0403 cell, or email sjulinvicki@gmail.com  Wholesale accounts only